
ELock: Deadbolt Type

ELock: Deadbolt type is a door type electronic lock that works in tandem with the Unikey. It provides a deadbolt type mechanism for locking doors.

ELock: Deadbolt Type Features

  • Easy to Install. It is almost as easy as installing a regular deadbolt.
  • Easy to Use. After doing the required after installation configuration process, this ELock is even easier to use than a regular deadbolt.
  • Easy to Lock. When installed with a reserved battery, the ELock can be locked easily by pressing the reserve power button.
  • Impossible to hack electronically. The Unikey/Elock communication provides hundreds of trillions of possible combination; and each unit is electronically isolated preventing remote hacking.
  • Impossible to pick an ELock. It has no keyhole for a master lock smith to pick.
  • Special feature includes the use of the built-in keypad for PIN override entry to allow opening of the ELock without using its Unikey. With a reserve battery, this is a great feature to have since it is an alternate way to open the ELock when the Unikey is lost/misplaced.










ELock: Padlock Type

ELock: Padlock type is a padlock type electronic lock that works in tandem with the Unikey.

ELock: Padlock Type Features

  • Easy to Install. It is installed exactly like a padlock.
  • Easy to Use. After doing the required after installation configuration process, this ELock is used exactly like a padlock.
  • Impossible to hack electronically. The Unikey/Elock communication provides hundreds of trillions of possible combination; and each unit is electronically isolated preventing remote hacking.
  • Impossible to pick an ELock. It has no keyhole for a master lock smith to pick.






ELock: Drawer Type

ELock: Drawer type is a drawer type electronic lock that works in tandem with the Unikey.

ELock: Drawer Type Features

  • Easy to Install. It is almost as easy as installing a regular drawer lock.
  • Easy to Use. After doing the required after installation configuration process, this ELock is as easy to use as a regular drawer lock.
  • Impossible to hack electronically. The Unikey/Elock communication provides hundreds of trillions of possible combination; and each unit is electronically isolated preventing remote hacking.
  • Impossible to pick an ELock. It has no keyhole for a master lock smith to pick.